
We pride ourselves to be one of the leading sustainable finance companies in Sri Lanka. We want our people to have a better quality of life, build a united community, and leave a better world than we found it. We want to make a difference with our sustainability journey!

Understanding Our Context

-Understanding Our Context-

Globalization has caused many economic, social, and environmental challenges especially to developing nations such as Sri Lanka. While it has tremendous opportunity for economic growth to improve quality of life, the developing countries are compelled to facing many hurdles in these areas. As a responsible corporate entity, Siyapatha Finance has been strategically facing these challenges by fully committing to playing its role in the countries development through the promotion of entrepreneurial and financial inclusivity for the unserved segments of the country.

Ethical Conduct, Good Governance & Compliance

-Ethical Conduct, Good Governance & Compliance-

Siyapatha Finance operates in Risk and Compliance functions as separate divisions within the company and has adhered to Corporate Governance Directions issued by the authorities while being committed to adopting the best practices in the industry. Siyapatha is continuously engaged in ethical practices to maintain long-term sustainability in the business thus exhibiting one of its defining characteristics.

Financial Inclusivity

-Financial Inclusivity-

As its vision, Siyapatha Finance serves the targeted segments by offering the most flexible and creative financial solutions thereby ensuring sustainability and value to customers. Siyapatha draws its core strength by focusing on serving the targeted segments and supporting them towards better livelihood. This has enabled the company to continuously maintain the value of its services within the business market.

Stakeholder Engagement

-Stakeholder Engagement-

Being the economic enabler, we always work together with our key stakeholders committed to resolving their concerns and offering them the best financial solutions to meet their specific requirements. We believe in continuous dialog with key stakeholders including our staff, customers, shareholders, regulators, business partners, and the local community to create value among them and their livelihood.